VMware Player 2.0.3
VMware Player 发布了 2.0.x 的最新版本. 包括安全更新和bugfix
WinSCP 4.1 beta
XnView 1.93.1
自己迷上 XnView 制作 HTML 缩略图中的 LightBox 效果后,越来越觉得离不开它了.
现在它又发布了新版本,带有如下变化以及一票bugfix:XnView v1.93 (LIBFORMAT v4.90) 13/03/2008:
* Wallpaper section
* Multiple images per page (collection print)
* Tag are now saved in category.db
* Gamma for HDR
* QuitNoView in Start section
* 'open action' for archive
* After choosing a category, can go back to the folder with history previous button
* () used in template to hide empty group
* Sort by orientation
* "Automatic brightness" for camera RAW
* Video gallery
* NConvert script
* NConvert - -c -1 to use original compression
* Resize value kept
DAEMON Tools 4.12.2
DAEMON Tools Lite 发布最新版本 4.12.2What's new (compared to DT Lite 4.12.1):
- SPTD 1.56;
- Languages updates;
- Setup changes;
Bugs fixed:
- SCSI adapter resources problem during installation;
- Some network images mounting problem;
- Lockup problem when comparing files on 2 virtual drives;
- Some minor GUI bugs;
CDBurnerXP 发布
CDBurnerXP 是个挺好用的 CD 刻录工具,Nero 的替代品,免费版本限个人用户使用。
AVG Free 7.5.519a1276
AVG Free 刚刚更新了它的下载包.
FileZilla 3.0.8
FileZilla 3.0.8 和 rc1 相比,更新包括:
- *nix: No longer follows symbolic links if deleting local directories- Fix crash if dropping a file on a fill item in directory comparison mode
- Handle DEL key in queue and local directory tree
- Handle F2 key in local directory tree
VirtuaWin 4.0
VirtuaWin 4.0 更新如下:
* Creation of a new Window Rule dialog to manage userlist.cfg, tricky.cfg, sticky.cfg & assignment.cfg via a UI - no more hacking!* 1819203 1810156 Window type identification can now be any combination of class, window or program name.
* 1798648 1796170 1627782 Changed window management to store some info about all non-child windows, allows VirtuaWin to not manage some window types and to manage others.
* Removed upper limit on the number of windows that VW can manage
* 1844268 Added window type option to keep a window's taskbar button visible.
* 1843300 Rewritten main Setup hotkey configuration to allow many more different hotkeys to be created.
* 1820531 Added MRU window list menu as a hotkey binding
* 1873636 Fixed exit deadlock issue
* 1843056 1843056 Fixed VW & WinList taskbar detection issues.
* 1840887 Fixed setup option change issues.
* 1873639 Added program version info to the exe resource.
* 1911706 Removed the need for admin privileges for installer.
* 1906222 Added get modules button to setup dialog.
* 1901183 Changed window flags and changed GETWINDESK to WINGETINFO with enhanced functionality
* 1873544 1897011 Added new 'Group App' window rule and Gather option in window menu
* 1873539 Added a Re-apply Rules option to Control menu
* 1896828 1877997 Implemented new 'Main Window' window rule option
* 1896830 Reimplemented main window hide/show function to improve performance and fix minimize window hiding method
* 1877491 1737872 Resolved long standing pop-up window event issues.
* 1886979 Fixed flag problem which left windows being 'sticky'.
* 1887127 Automatically change window-list menu to compact.
Notepad++ 4.8.2
Notepad++ v4.8.2 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.8.1) :
1. Fix unicode input problem for non-western language.2. Add the capacity (behaviour) of keeping line highlighting even when Notepad++ loss its focus.
3. Fix missing fonts problem in font list of Stylers configurator.
4. Fix the hot key problem : make Alt+f+s work again.
5. Fix the hardware problem : make keyboard commands (such as "e-mail", "calculator",
"sound", ...) works again.
