

FileZilla 3.0.0 RC3

FileZilla 3.0.0 发布 Release Candidate 频率这么高,不知正式版是不是马上就要推出了。对于一个天天使用的软件,还是很期待呢 下载

Fixed vulnerabilities:
- Fix buffer overflow if directory lisiting filters were enabled, causing FileZilla to crash.

New features:
- Backspace key can be used to goes to parent directory in file lists

FileZilla 3.0.0 RC2

FileZilla 发布 3.0.0 RC2

New features:
+ Remember Window size and position
+ Remember sort column and order of file lists
+ Additional icon set by Brian Lukis
+ Added .desktop file on *nix systems
+ If server is crippled and doesn't allow more than one connection (based on Sitemanager preference), primary browsing connection can be used by the transfer queue

FileZilla 3.0.0-beta10

FileZilla 发布的最新的 Beta 版本

+ Add "View hidden files" option to server menu
+ Add dialog to clear private data
+ Performance improvements of message log
+ Avoid sending unnecessary TYPE commands
- Updated TinyXML component, fixes problems with filenames containing ampersands or other special XML entities.
- Fix deadlock in sftp component under Windows
- Don't retry connecting if user cancels new/changed hostkey notification

FileZilla 3 beta7


New features:
- New optionspage to change layout of file and directory panes
- Loading of predefined Sitemanager entries from fzdefaults.xml
- UTF-8 support for STP, merged in upstream changes from PuTTY.

Fixed bugs:
- Ascii file FTP transfers should now work properly on non-Windows systems
- Fix SFTP transfers of filenames containing the following characters: [ ] \ * ?
- lots of small bugfixes and performance improvements

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