

Notepad++ 发布 4.0.2

Notepad++ 4.0.2 更新如下

v4.0.2 fixed bugs (from v4.0.1) :

1. Fix the crash issue regarding the docking feature.
2. Fix the crash issue for Find in files feature.
3. Fix the crash issue while pressing close button in Windows dialog (menu "Window->windows...").
4. Fix the bug that the docked dialog can not be resized by dragging splitter under w98.

Notepad++ 发布 4.0.1

经试用,Notepad++ 终于解决了中文查找的问题

v4.0.1 fixed bugs (from v4.0) :

1. Fix the crash issue of opening of file name length > 63.
2. Fix the crash issue under w98.
3. Fix the shortcut name bug in shortcut mapper.
4. Fix ASP syntax highlighting problem.
5. Fix 2 context menu items issue after the installation by installer.
6. Enhance the NSIS language support.

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