
WinMerge 2.6.14

程序员的好帮手 WinMerge 又发布了新版本,增加了 PowerShell 和 PO 文件的语法高亮支持等...


Notable in this release:
- Powershell and PO file syntax highlighting in editor
- Do not merge ignored differences
- Bugfix: Copying files with version control integration failed
- Bugfix: Incorrect backspace key behavior when renaming items in folder compare
- Bugfix: Current position indicator may become invisible in location pane
- Bugfix: Short size column data not rounded in translations
- Bugfix: Crash when scrolling with TrackPoint middle-button
- Bugfix: Shell extension's Register.bat didn't work on W98 and Vista
- Bugfix: Typo in HTML-XML file filter
- Translation updates for Chinese Traditional and Spanish