

WinMerge 发布 2.6.12

文件比较工具 WinMerge 发布最新版本 2.6.12

Notable in this release:
- Change active file when using Goto to other file's line number
- Bugfix: Renaming right-only file renamed parent folder
- Bugfix: Diff visibility and selection problems when word-wrap enabled
- Bugfix: Copy selected text to Replace-dialog
- Bugfix: Folder filter bug in filter test dialog
- Bugfix: ClearCase integration was not properly uninstalled
- Translation updates for Chinese Simplified and Russian

WinMerge 2.6.4

文件比较工具 WinMerge 推出新的稳定版本.

Notable in this release:
- Bugfix: workaround for WinMerge not closing properly in some machines
- Bugfix: Some space char indented files caused a crash in editor
- Bugfix: 2.6.2 broke some file filter definitions
- Bugfix: Copy to... in folder compare didn't work correctly when
files/folders were copied from multiple folders
- Bugfix: Project file save dialog didn't always get paths correctly
from open compare
- Manual updates

WinMerge 发布 2.6.0

WinMerge 上一个稳定版本是 2.4.10

- 新的图标和启动画面
- 简化了文件夹比较的进度条,而且现在可以自动关闭了
- 文件比较显示行号
- 文件比较做自动折行
- 文件比较书签的图形界面
- 显示字符级别的差异(传统只是显示不同的行)
- Merge difference which has cursor inside it (no need to select difference first)
- 增强了项目的保存和编辑
- User-defined folder for file filters
- Renaming items in folder compare


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